Virtual Talk Presented September 18, 2021

The California Local Section Woman Chemists Committee had extended an invitation to the Permian Basin Section members to attend their 2021 talks. The September 18, 2021, presentation “Air Pollution in High Definition: Building Low-Cost Sensor Networks & Community Partnerships” was the third one this year. During the time allotted preceding the talk, attendees had an opportunity to participate in two breakout sessions for chatting/networking. The talk concluded with a robust Q&A with the speaker. All talks were via Zoom.

Dr. Alexis Shusterman

Dr. Shusterman completed her PhD in atmospheric chemistry at the University of California, Berkeley while working with Prof. Ronald Cohen. Her graduate work centered around the construction of BEACO2N, a high-density network of more than three dozen low-cost sensors capable of providing community-level air quality reports throughout the San Francisco Bay Area. During graduate school, Alexis worked with science communication and outreach organizations nationwide to spread climate change and environmental justice awareness, winning recognition in the University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley) Grad Slam, the University of California Carbon Slam, and the American Chemical Society Chemistry Champions competitions. Now a lecturer in the UC Berkeley College of Chemistry, Alexis dedicates herself to delivering high quality chemical education full time.

Dr. Chelsea Preble

Dr. Preble earned her PhD in Environmental Engineering from UC Berkeley in 2017, and is now an Assistant Research Engineer in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at UC Berkeley and affiliate of the Energy Technologies Area at Berkeley Lab. In her work, she seeks to better understand air pollution trends, sources, and controls in impacted communities and to evaluate the real-world emissions impacts of new regulations and alternative energy technologies. Her research includes characterizing in-use emissions from heavy-duty diesel trucks and commercial harbor craft, developing community-based air quality sensor networks, and quantifying emissions from organic waste diversion systems.

The presenters noted several observations: (1) Measuring atmospheric pollutants has the potential to help identify the sources as well as the communities facing disproportionate risks, and (2) due to the significant upfront and operational costs of high-precision and high-accuracy instrumentation, most traditional air quality monitoring campaigns in these communities have been scarce.  To address these challenges, the two researchers provided evidence for the benefits of tracking air pollution at the neighborhood scale using low-cost monitoring techniques. They used custom-built, low-cost black carbon (BC)—or soot—sensors outside of community members’ homes and businesses. They were “able to capture seasonal trends in ambient BC on a block-by-block basis and found that the patterns in BC concentrations were driven by truck activity”. They also present initial results from community air quality studies in two San Francisco Bay Area communities that are “burdened by diesel particulate matter pollution. Through meaningful partnerships between researchers and key community stakeholders, these collaborations created actionable datasets that advance both science and advocacy goals as part of broader Community Air Protection Program monitoring efforts.”

Two Virtual Events Presented During February 2021

Two talks were made available to the Permian Basin Local Section members during February. The first talk “Merck Research Laboratories in South San Francisco-Discovery Chemistry at Merck in the Bay Area” was given by Dr. Jillian R. Sanzone on February 13, 2021. Dr. H. N. Cheng presented the second talk “New Frontiers and Opportunities in Chemistry” on February 25, 2021. Both talks were via Zoom.

Dr. Jillian R. Sanzone

The California Local Section Woman Chemists Committee extended an invitation to the Permian Basin Section members to attend their February talk “Merck Research Laboratories in South San Francisco-Discovery Chemistry at Merck in the Bay Area”. During the time allotted preceding the talk, attendees had an opportunity to participate in two breakout sessions for chatting/networking. The talk concluded with a robust Q&A with the speaker.

Dr. Sanzone works in the Discovery Chemistry group at Merck Research Laboratories in South San Francisco, CA. Her current work includes inventing new small molecule drugs for the treatment of metabolic diseases and designing novel synthetic methods to enable medicinal chemistry programs at Merck. She highlighted the new Merck Research Laboratories site in South San Francisco, CA. The Merck discovery hub in South San Francisco was established in 2017 and has grown to over 200 employees in the newly designed research and office space. The site focuses on developing treatments for cardiometabolic diseases and oncology. The Discovery Chemistry group enables these goals by leveraging the strong chemistry and scientific expertise at Merck to focus on discovering better molecules faster across modalities and advancing the best molecules into the pipeline to deliver to patients.

Dr. H. N. Cheng

The South Plains Local Section organized the talk, “New Frontiers and Opportunities in Chemistry”, with the support from the Central New Mexico, Panhandle Plains, Permian Basin, and Rio Grande Valley Local Sections. The talk concluded with a very extensive and engaged discussion period.

Dr. Cheng is the 2021 President of the American Chemical Society and currently works at USDA Southern Regional Research Center in New Orleans. Over the years, he has been involved with the use of agro-based materials, biocatalysis, green processing, and green methodology and has also contributed to polymer reactions, polymerization theory and polymer NMR. During the talk, he used several recent developments to build a picture of new frontiers and opportunities in chemistry – a field that cuts across interdisciplinary boundaries and traditional dimensions. Dr. Cheng stated that the solution of the grand challenges of today (e.g., medicine, food, energy, environment, climate change, clean air and water, and population growth) needs the skills and the participation of chemists and chemical engineers. Emerging areas like sustainability and green chemistry will provide even more opportunities. Moreover, entrepreneurship and academic-industrial-government collaborations will be helpful in stimulating innovation.  These developments fit well with the theme of “Growth, Collaboration, and Advocacy”, which is his focus for his presidential year.



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